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Can I put a water repelleant on my Indiana Limestone?

Updated: June 30th, 2016

Water Repellents

Exterior water repellents intended for application to vertical, above-grade, masonry walls are, generally, clear liquids of low viscosity. Their chemical makeup allows them to be absorbed by masonry substrates, leaving the surface essentially unchanged in color or texture. The active ingredients in water repellents are intended to be deposited in the pores of the substrate while not closing or blocking them, so that moisture lent should not differ in appearance, during dry weather, from a similar, untreated wall.

Water repellents are not waterproof. They will not bridge gaps in mortar or sealant joints. Their use is not a failsafe for poor mortar practice, nor a substitute for dampproofing. Water repellents have been suspected of contributing to surface scaling in some cases. It is possible that a water repellent allowing vapor transmission may reduce the rate of transmission compared to identical, untreated, substrates.

Water repellents should be applied only on completed walls, with mortar or sealant joints in place. They should not be applied over wet or stained stones, nor to stone backs, nor stones under grade.

Good workmanship is essential in the application of water repellents. As a class, the materials tend to be labor-sensitive; substrate condition, weather condition, application tool, flow rate, etc., should all be in accordance with manufacturers' instructions.

ILI does not recommend specific types or brands of water repellents. Product types including silicones, stearates, acrylics, silanes, and siloxanes have all been used with apparent success on Indiana Limestone. ILI does recommend that (1) stone samples be treated on only one-half their surface for initial evaluation; (2) manufacturers provide statements on both vapor transmission and guarantee; and (3) applier and manufacturer agree on the condition of the wall and the weather prior to application.

An understanding of probable retreatment costs, probable length of time until retreatment may be needed, and alternatives to retreatment should be part of the consideration of water repellents.

ILI will respond to requests for further information on this subject.

All Information provided comes directly from the Indiana Limestone Institute (ILI)